
Want to Volunteer?

To volunteer, you must: 

Attend Orientation

Saturdays 10:00 am- 12:00 pm 3815 Live Oak (please arrive at 9:45 am to sign in)

No appointment necessary

Submit Paperwork

From court, school, etc. that will need to be completed by authorized S.H.A.P.E. staff and/or stating that you have been assigned to S.H.A.P.E Community Center.

Sign In and Out

Make sure a S.H.A.P.E. staff person initials your time sheet. Volunteer Time Sheets should be kept in the Volunteer Sign In/Out book located at the front desk at both S.H.A.P.E. Center buildings. Time Sheets are collected from both buildings when (1) it is time to report your hours or (2) at the end of each month. It is your responsibility to: (1) sign in and out; (2) see to it that the hours are initialed by an authorized staff person.

Dress Code 

No clothing that promotes the use or sell of drugs alcohol, tobacco, lewd behavior/nudity or negative references to gender, race, religion will be allowed. Dresses and shorts should not be shorter than four (4) inches above the knee. Please dress in a manner which shows respect for our family environment.

Volunteers are Essential…

---But wait- I have to do Community Service, not volunteer...

Even if your service is required by your school, the courts, or some other program; you are still a Volunteer with S.H.A.P.E. and we appreciate the time you spend with us!


Volunteer with S.H.A.P.E.

S.H.A.P.E.'s Executive Director and Staff are strong believers in the importance of service to others, and recognize the enormous part Volunteers play in the overall success of our organization. We value our Volunteers because the hours they spend each day on different projects allows our staff to more effectively complete their job responsibilities.


Volunteer Orientation is every Saturday from 10:00 am -12:00 pm at S.H.A.P.E. Community Center 3815 Live Oak Houston, Texas 77004. The phone number is 713-521-0641 if we may answer any questions you might have. 


Where We Need Your Help

As a nonprofit organization the services Volunteers provide are critically essential to S.H.A.P.E.'s ongoing success. A few of the areas we are in need of your assistance and expertise are:


  • Computer Technology, Programming, Repair

  • Computer - Microsoft Office Suite Instructor

  • Computer - Data Entry

  • Grant Writing

  • Receptionist - Answer phones and filing

  • Fundraising - Develop and implement fundraiser's

  • After School Enrichment Program - Group Leaders, Group Leader Assistants

  • Summer Youth Enrichment Program - Group Leaders, Group Leader Assistants

  • Tutors - English, Math, Science, History

  • Freedom Tour - Group Leaders, Group Leader Assistants

  • Maintenance Services

  • Building Services - Electrician, Plumber, Painter, General Contractor, Lawn Care